Top Countries, Nationalities, and Escort Names in 2023-2024: A Global Analysis
1 Sep 2024

Despite the ambiguous perception of the intimate profession in many countries of the world, practice shows that it is prostitution that is the most widespread, in-demand and stable activity in the world. After all, even regions with an illegal ero-segment abound with available beauties and underground brothels - and it has been so at all times. But if earlier prostitutes preferred to get acquainted on the streets or in night establishments, now most of the reliable beauties have moved to the expanses of the Internet.
World practice demonstrates the active spread of legal sex industry in all countries with developed economies. After all, a competent government quickly realizes that it is impossible to fight prostitution, but it is profitable to regulate and control it. But even with active development, many ordinary people know little about the specifics of the erotic profession. Therefore, the experts of our publishing house decided to study the world erotic segment in more detail in order to show readers its mysteries side. For example, our research helped to determine which countries are the most popular among sex tourists in 2023-2024 or among which nationalities prostitutes are more common. Also an interesting discovery were the working names that puttanas choose for themselves in order to stand out from the competition.
Top 5 countries for adult leisure
Given the promotion and popularity of such whales of the intimate industry as Holland and Thailand, many tourists consider these countries the best option for a vacation. However, statistics show that the popularity of resorts has already faded a little, and more comfortable and inexpensive options have come to the forefront. For example, Latin America has given us such countries for sex travel as Mexico, Brazil and Venezuela.
If we study the available data in more detail, in 2023-2024, tourists recall the following resort countries with special appreciation:
1. Turkey. The specificity of the Turkish intimate industry is that female tourism here prevails over male. Of course, attractive girls of easy behavior can be found in any nightclub, but hot Turkish macho will seek the attention of tourists themselves, not giving up their goal, even after receiving a refusal.
2. Mexico. The peculiarity of Mexican escort is its full legality and democratic price. However, tourists choose Latin American resorts also because here you can order a prostitute quickly and safely over the Internet. Hundreds of websites have collected thousands of young escorts from CDMX, Cancun or Acapulco on their pages, and print publications have dedicated separate columns with ads for sex dating. There are also analogs of the Red Light District, tolerance zones whose streets are overflowing with intimate clubs and themed salons.
3. Brazil. A bright country, where the fun does not subside and in cool seasons, gives its visitors the opportunity for an unforgettable vacation with hot Latinas. Here girls consider it prestigious to have an affair with a foreigner, and therefore will not mind to brighten up his vacation or business trip with their presence. And it will cost inexpensive - from 20 dollars for an hour of professional prostitute or dinner and a gift, if you get to remove an inexperienced girl.
4. UAE. This country has become a top place for vacation and business for wealthy men, so high quality expensive escorts prevail here. But the practice of intimate travel shows that sex services can be negotiated with most of the workers of local hotels and resort complexes. In addition, the country has professional sex parlors, private clubs and large brothels, where you can find almost any type of sex entertainment.
5. Kenya. Unlike the previous participant of the top, cheap prostitution is more widespread in Kenya, so it is chosen by budget vacationers. However, local dark-skinned beauties are famous for their passion and diligence, so regardless of the price, their customers are always satisfied.

Richest escort nations
If you think that this list is exactly the same as the ranking of countries for sex tourism, our analysts will manage to surprise you. After all, world practice shows that in countries with a legal intimate industry work not only local individuals, but also thousands of foreign girls who came to earn money. Therefore, in 2023-2024, the largest number of prostitutes to the world was presented by Russia - it is the representatives of this nationality are found in the sex profession of different countries most often. This is due to the unstable financial situation and lower living standards in the country, because of which young beauties prefer to seek a better life abroad.
After Russian brothels, our experts would like to mention French brothels - it turned out that passionate Frenchwomen work in almost all European countries, although in their native country their profession is not very much in demand. For example, not a single brothel in Italy, Germany or Great Britain can not do without a mind-blowing French beauty.
Rounding out the top three most amorous nationalities are Ukrainians, who successfully provide commercial sex services both at home and abroad. These beauties are proud of their craft and are openly looking for customers on specialized portals - prostitutes in Kiev, Lvov or Kharkov from such sites are even more successful than employees of professional escort agencies.
It is also worth noting the prevalence of Mexican putanas - these girls are found in almost every country in the world, and their clients remember erotic dates with these sultry individuals with pleasure and nostalgia.

Common names of prostitutes
In order not to mix personal life and working moments, many prostitutes prefer to be called by fictitious names - working aliases, which in time can become a real brand of a particular individual. In addition, the name can determine how long a girl plans to stay in the profession. For example, in 2023-2024 very often met simple and common names: Alice, Linda and Jessica - such pseudonyms are chosen by putas who get into the intimate industry in order to earn a specific amount of money and immediately leave. After all, if the name is common, the girl can seamlessly dissolve among thousands of other Jessica or Ann, when the need for erotic part-time work will fall away.
Simple names are also popular among Latin American beauties, but their choices are Maria, Bella, Eva and Diana. Such a pseudonym is not difficult to remember, but at the same time the girl will easily hide her real personality behind it. But bright unique options are more often chosen by representatives of escort agencies, as well as top courtesans with rare sets of sex services. After all, their name is already a kind of brand, so putanas want to stand out against the background of competitors and be memorable from the first acquaintance. For example, in our lists we met Charlize, Steffi and Roxana, also in the ero-segment you can find Camila, Mary Gold or Doriz.In fact, just like in ordinary life, in the sex industry there are common variants and there are rare exceptions. And universal in ordinary life Jessica and Sarah will be no less popular in the sex business.
Bottom line
No matter how loudly the governments of some countries declare an active fight against prostitution, sex business on their territory develops as intensively as in countries with a legal industry. Therefore, a sex tourist can find a little sensual pleasure absolutely everywhere, regardless of the official position of the state. This state of affairs makes it clear that prostitution is a global phenomenon, the fight against which does not bring results. But legalization is a unique way to control the problematic environment and attract millions of tax dollars to the treasury.
It is obvious that in time prostitution will become an even more popular profession, and new establishments and entire entertainment complexes will be opened on its basis. And our popularity ratings help to get acquainted with the ambiguous industry and to understand in which countries sex tourists will be most comfortable. After all, the development of Internet commerce is spreading to all areas of activity and many sex agencies are already looking for clients not only in the territory of their country, but also far beyond its borders, using online resources.
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